Thursday, April 16, 2009

About the Bank HDFC

About the Bank HDFC

The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was among the first to "in principle" approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) setting up a bank in the private sector, within RBI liberalization of the Indian banking industry in 1994. The bank was founded in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited, based in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank activities as scheduled commercial bank in January 1995.

HDFC Business Focus

HDFC Bank's mission is to provide a world-class Indian Bank. The goal is to build sound customer franchises across different companies to preferred provider of banking services to retail and wholesale target customer segments and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, in agreement with the bank at risk . The bank strives to maintain the highest ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance. HDFC Bank business philosophy based on four core values - operational excellence, customer focus, leadership and people of the product.


At 31 March 2009, the share capital of HDFC Bank Rs. 550 crore. Paid-up capital at that date is Rs. 425,38,41,090 / - (42,53,84,109 shares of EUR 10 / - each). The HDFC Group holds 19.38% of the Bank and equity of about 17.70% of the capital is held by the ADS Depository (in respect of the bank's American Depository Shares (ADS) issue). 27.69% of the share capital is held by institutional investors (FIIS) and the Bank 5,48,774 shareholders.

Shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and The National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Bank of American Depository Shares (ADS) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "HDB" and the World Bank Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange under ISIN No. US40415F2002


HDFC is the largest housing finance and enjoys an impeccable record in India and international markets. Since its founding in 1977, the company has a consistent and healthy growth of its business remains a market leader in mortgages. Its portfolio of loans outstanding concerns over a million units. HDFC has significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and has a large business customers for credit facilities related to housing. With its experience in the financial markets, a strong reputation, large shareholders and consumers unique franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to a bank in the Indian environment.


HDFC Bank operates in a highly automated environment in terms of information and communication. All branches are online connectivity, allowing the bank to offer facilities to transfer system of money to its customers. Multi-branch access is also provided to customers through the branch and automated teller machines (ATMs).

The Bank has made efforts and investments in acquiring the best technology available at the international level, building the infrastructure for a world class bank. The Bank of the company is supported by robust systems and evolutionary providing our customers the best services that we offer.

The Bank has chosen to maintain its commitment to technology and the Internet as one of the main objectives and has already made significant progress in the Web provides to its core activities. In each of these companies, the Bank has succeeded in its market position, expertise and technology to build a competitive advantage and market share.


Jagdish Capoor took over as president of the bank in July 2001. Before that, Mr. Capoor was a Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

The Director General, Mr. Aditya Puri, the banker is a professional with more than 25 years, before accession and HDFC Bank in 1994 was the position of Citibank operations in Malaysia.

The Bank's board of directors consists of eminent personalities with a wealth of experience in public policy, administration, industry and commercial banks. Senior representative HDFC are also on the board.

Senior banking professionals with extensive experience in India and abroad, enterprises and the main functions and report to the Director General. Given the professional expertise of the management team and focus on recruiting and retaining the best talent in the industry, the bank estimated that its population is an important competitive force.

Visit the official site

Search for the Jobs in HDFC Banks here

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