Thursday, April 16, 2009

About the Univercell Telecommunications

Landscape of the telecommunications market

In the early days of the Indian mobile industry is highly fragmented retail without organized retail players. The phones were expensive (an average price of $ 500 per unit), with black players dominate the market. There was no showrooms brand to introduce a wide range of products.

The Entrepreneur

M. D. Sathish Babu UniverCell founded in November 1997 following the sale of mobile connections Skycell paid Tele Shop (now AIRTEL Connect). Studying for the purchase of its customers, to understand what consumers really wanted Sathish was shopping smart and informed decisions in an atmosphere of both comfort and a high degree of service.

In February 2000, using a number of savings and capital of the family, Chennai Sathish opened the first shop mobile large luxury in a location in Chennai, India. Since then, Sathish and UniverCell are Cresting the wave of the Indian mobile revolution in retailing, develop and evolve to India's largest mobile retailer and one of India, the best-known brands.

A strong believer to share the spirit, UniverCell Sathish Babu has promoted the brand through the various media available to him. Using a mix of targeted advertising campaigns and actions aimed at places like the generations, UniverCell is rooted in the hearts and minds of Indian consumers. You can see and feel its presence through its retail outlets large format and in print, television, film, special event promotions, billboards and FM radio.

Determined to UniverCell mobile phone and retail sales at the height of excellence, Sathish constant seems to modern retailing concepts, innovative in its own organization. The series of basic improvements started five years ago led to a world-class retail organization that is determined by technology as much as the population. The foundation for growth and instead, has its sites UniverCell replicate its success Pan India. These investments in technology and processes UniverCell have earned the ISO 9000-2001 certification (March 2004) for quality assurance systems.

Strong relationships with manufacturers and its presence pan India, UniverCell been able to increase the effectiveness of the scale, the highest level of service and opportunities for consumers. UniverCell presenting a face to its customers the same level of support (security, service, etc.) of each point of sale throughout the country.

UniverCell the workers

The ability to attract, develop and maintain a dynamic, motivated employees and committed one of the main reasons for UniverCell success. In accordance with the mobile generation, the average age of a UniverCell worker is 24, divided equally between girls and boys. A team of five is now an organization of more than 1000 employees

Customers UniverCell

There are 100,000 people who buy units UniverCell Monday This is the highest among all retailers in India. One in three mobile phones sold in the market UniverCell. The current customer base is 10 million. This includes many celebrities and other large customers, and many organizations in the business page in the country.

The differentiators UniverCell

UniverCell with the "advantage" has started its way through the mobile industry.

• The first mobile retailer the bill and guarantee on every purchase

• The first mobile retailer to implement "Touch Feel" concept

• Exchange offers

• Easy-time 0% interest, loan approvals fast

• qualified staff in customer care and skills

• Better customer service

• Process quality management ISO 9000-2001 certified

• One-stop-shop for mobile needs

• Mobile e-shop,

• Mobile version of the site

• Short code SMS 55050

• In step Delivery

Visit the official site

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