Thursday, April 16, 2009

About the Bank HDFC

About the Bank HDFC

The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was among the first to "in principle" approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) setting up a bank in the private sector, within RBI liberalization of the Indian banking industry in 1994. The bank was founded in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited, based in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank activities as scheduled commercial bank in January 1995.

HDFC Business Focus

HDFC Bank's mission is to provide a world-class Indian Bank. The goal is to build sound customer franchises across different companies to preferred provider of banking services to retail and wholesale target customer segments and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, in agreement with the bank at risk . The bank strives to maintain the highest ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance. HDFC Bank business philosophy based on four core values - operational excellence, customer focus, leadership and people of the product.


At 31 March 2009, the share capital of HDFC Bank Rs. 550 crore. Paid-up capital at that date is Rs. 425,38,41,090 / - (42,53,84,109 shares of EUR 10 / - each). The HDFC Group holds 19.38% of the Bank and equity of about 17.70% of the capital is held by the ADS Depository (in respect of the bank's American Depository Shares (ADS) issue). 27.69% of the share capital is held by institutional investors (FIIS) and the Bank 5,48,774 shareholders.

Shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and The National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Bank of American Depository Shares (ADS) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "HDB" and the World Bank Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange under ISIN No. US40415F2002


HDFC is the largest housing finance and enjoys an impeccable record in India and international markets. Since its founding in 1977, the company has a consistent and healthy growth of its business remains a market leader in mortgages. Its portfolio of loans outstanding concerns over a million units. HDFC has significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and has a large business customers for credit facilities related to housing. With its experience in the financial markets, a strong reputation, large shareholders and consumers unique franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to a bank in the Indian environment.


HDFC Bank operates in a highly automated environment in terms of information and communication. All branches are online connectivity, allowing the bank to offer facilities to transfer system of money to its customers. Multi-branch access is also provided to customers through the branch and automated teller machines (ATMs).

The Bank has made efforts and investments in acquiring the best technology available at the international level, building the infrastructure for a world class bank. The Bank of the company is supported by robust systems and evolutionary providing our customers the best services that we offer.

The Bank has chosen to maintain its commitment to technology and the Internet as one of the main objectives and has already made significant progress in the Web provides to its core activities. In each of these companies, the Bank has succeeded in its market position, expertise and technology to build a competitive advantage and market share.


Jagdish Capoor took over as president of the bank in July 2001. Before that, Mr. Capoor was a Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

The Director General, Mr. Aditya Puri, the banker is a professional with more than 25 years, before accession and HDFC Bank in 1994 was the position of Citibank operations in Malaysia.

The Bank's board of directors consists of eminent personalities with a wealth of experience in public policy, administration, industry and commercial banks. Senior representative HDFC are also on the board.

Senior banking professionals with extensive experience in India and abroad, enterprises and the main functions and report to the Director General. Given the professional expertise of the management team and focus on recruiting and retaining the best talent in the industry, the bank estimated that its population is an important competitive force.

Visit the official site

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Visit the official site

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bombay High Court

The legal history of Bombay May be regarded as having started in 1661 when he became a British possession. The town and the island of Bombay was received by the British as part of the dowry of the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza, the sister of Alfonso VI, the Portuguese monarch then when she married King Charles II. Bombay was a little more than a small fishing village of a few huts scattered Kolis, the original inhabitants, and the port, which over the years to become the largest and most important commercial seaport in the East to protect a few fishing boats. Charles II of the East India Company in 1668 for an annual rent of 10 pounds insignificant

The remote ancestors of the High Court, but interesting, is not really inspiring, until we come to the recorder of the Court under the Charter of 1798. Limit ourselves to the British period, as there is no conceivable connection between the present day, the High Court and the courts, such as the existence in Portuguese, and even earlier periods in history Muslim Judicial Bombay begins with the Charter of 1668 in the transfer of Bombay from the Crown of the East India Company. In 1670, the administration of justice is in the hands of judges who have held their meetings in the custom houses of Bombay and Mahim. The system of 1670 was very basic and suffering of some drawbacks and the justice system is too identified with the Executive Board of the island.

The main architect of the judiciary during this period was Gerald Aungier, the Governor of Surat Factory. It is described as the "real founder" of Bombay. He was a man of liberal ideas and believed in the impartiality of the administration of justice without fear or favor. But he was aware of these problems and he was himself satisfied with the judiciary. Aungier was advised by the Company to choose a person to know something of the right of the Company officials in India. George Wilcox Aungier chosen as the first British court and the Court of Justice was inaugurated in Bombay in 1672, with the pumps. Fawcett cites a detailed description of the opening ceremony on 8 August 1672.

There was a ceremonial procession of the fort by the bazaar of the Guild Hall (courthouse) in the following order: --
Fifty Aries green band delivered on two by two.
Centu (Hindu) 20 Mooremen (Muslims) 20 Christians have their own caste or sect different walking two by two.
His Honor the horse of the State headed by an Englishman.
Two trumpets and drums Kettle on horseback.
Justice of the Peace and the rich inhabited by horse. The Governor in his Pallankeen with fower (four) in English on either side in rich countries delivered bareheaded surrounded distance with peons and blacks.
The Clerk of the press up.
Flower (four) Atturneys, or publicly pleaded foot requires
The holder of the prison and the two Tipstaffs foot, bareheaded before the court.
The court across a velvet fabric foot.
His Purple Serge delivered.
Your coaches and Palankeens.

On this occasion, he has a speech full of noble sentiments, eulogizing the impartial application of laws and urging the court, irrespective of nationality or religion, not only in cases between private parties, even government. He promised to protect the judge in the exercise of its functions to the best of his power and authority. In the last paragraph of his address to the court, he said:

"The inhabitants of this island is made up of different peoples and religions, such as English, Portuguese and other Christians, Moores and Gentoos, but if you're sitting in that chair of the judge and the decision should be discussed with a single me, regardless of nation or religion, because they are all of His Majesty and the Hon'ble Company subjects such as English, and all have a title and equal access to justice. "

The speech of credit to the nature of Aungier. He demonstrated a passion for honesty, and impartiality of the justice. Nobody can have a higher ideal of justice that Aungier. It is a good omen for the judicial system, but, unfortunately, the governors have nothing to follow Aungier traditions.
Admiralty Court

The creation of a Court of Admiralty in 1684 under the Charter of 1683 opened the second phase in the development of the law of Bombay. Dr. St. John, an expert in civil law by the Company as President of the Court as a judge - advocacy. But there were ongoing clashes between the governor and the Court, and he was fired for refusing to make its own verdict on the wishes and directives of the Governor and Council. According to Dr. St. John's, the output, the judiciary continues to be administered by lay until the end of the eighteenth century. Mayor of the Court

In 1726, the issue of the charter by King George I of the company submitted a new page in the evolution of legal institutions. The Charter of 1726 introduced a uniform approach and established courts. Thus, in 1726. "The mayor of the Court was established under the direct authority of the king. The mayor and nine vessels have been the mayor of the Constitutional Court. It was to serve and try to hear the rest of all civil rights in the city and its factories. For the first time a right of appeal to the Privy Council of King's decision to the court of India has been granted. The mayor of the Court is a court of record and therefore the power to punish those who might be guilty of contempt. As the precedent of the Court, even the mayor of the Court was not entirely free of his influence that the aldermen were either English or other staff holding companies which depend on the company permission to stay in India and have been largely compatible with the thank you to the local administration. The judiciary continues to be administered by professional judges.

In 1753, the company has obtained new Charter of King George II., The recovery of the mayor of the Court. The new charter to repeat a section of the Charter of the previous Court and a summary of requests for removal of small causes. The mayor of the Court with his own personal defects of principle and operated for 70 years until 1798.
Recorder's Court
In 1798 the mayor of the Court was abolished and in its place, the recorder of the Court, as the Charter of 1798. The judiciary in Bombay has been completely changed for the better through the creation of this Court. It consisted of a mayor, three city councilors and a recorder appointed by the Crown as a lawyer of at least 5 years. The first was Sir William Syer. The official association of Indians in the administration of the law began with the creation of this Court.

A Hindu Pandit from the law of the Shastra and Mussalman Malvi, from the law of the Shari'a was appointed to the recorder in the determination of where the points of law and Hindus Mahommedan. Recorders courts made a big step towards the abolition of the Order of the judiciary. This Court was the first pass. Jones's House Marine in the street, and in 1800 in the Admiralty House, also known as a "Hornby", later known as the "Great Western Hotel, on the street Apollo. This building housed the Court recorder 1824.
The Supreme Court
In 1773 the Regulating Act was passed and Warren Hastings is appointed Governor General of Bengal. The Calcutta High Court was established for the evils of the system that prevails. In 1823, an Act of Parliament, the Crown to a high court in place of the recorder of the Court of Bombay by Royal Charter. The power belongs to the recorder of the Court to be transferred to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of Bombay was to be vested with the same powers and authority, and would be subject to the same restrictions and limitations that the Supreme Court in Calcutta by the 17th section of the Act of 1823. The Court was officially opened in Bombay on 8 May 1824.

The Supreme Court functioned from 1824 to 1862. The purity and prestige of the judiciary is increasing. English barristers began practice in Bombay and some of them achieved distinction in the High Court later. Several important decisions were taken to the Supreme Court, which is an important contribution to the development of law in India. The main source of inspiration for the Supreme Court and the High Court in its early years, the law of England and outside of Hindus and Mahommedan laws, the principle of common law and equity that have been recorded with a slight modification in the courts and the principle of Indian law acts later. In the first century of British justice in Mumbai, there is no overview of all the Indian judge or lawyer. Only after the creation of the High Court that the Indian lawyer began to appear only in the High Court.

The Supreme Court has its own shortcomings and inadequacy of the Full Court of the power have been brought on the authorities in England. In 1852 he was the Parliamentary Committee on Indian Affairs is that it is desirable that the Supreme Court and Sadar Adalat in each must be consolidated. This led to the adoption of the Law on the High Court in India by the British Parliament in 1861 for the establishment of High Courts in the three presidencies in place of the Supreme Court and Sadar Adalat. After the mitigation of 1857, the company was dissolved and the Government of India was acquired by the Crown in 1858. This created a sense of responsibility to the British government for the administration of India and to take full advantage of the judicial system has taken place.
The High Court of Bombay
The Supreme Court Act 1861 of India, granted to Her Majesty the Queen of England to issue letters patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom and to establish the High Court of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay. The Indian High Courts Act, 1861 does not in itself create and establish the High Court in India. The purpose of the Act provided for the merger of the courts and the Sudder Adalat in the three presidencies and be consumed by the Patent Letter. The Charter of the High Court of Bombay was published on June 26, 1862.

The Bombay High Court was inaugurated on 14 August 1862. The High Court shall have original and a former secondary appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and the last one in the Diwan Sudder Adalat and Sudder Foujdari, which were merged in the High Court. With the creation of the High Court, the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure are defined in law.

Letter Patent of the Bombay High Court has authorized 15 judges, but started with only 7. It should be noted that nearly 60 years, the High Court to withdraw only 7 judges, but at an advanced age, legislation and litigation both increased. There is no indication that this limited information was found insufficient to continue the work until 1919. With the cease-fire at the end of the First World War, there was a flurry of litigation in the city of Bombay. The number Suites Original filed on the side, which during the war was reduced to about 500 to about 7000, the master of evil has to prepare for the daily conduct of 3 judges. Only then, one additional judge was sought and obtained voluntarily. Bombay is lucky or unlucky enough to have this crisis, Chief Justice of exceptional caliber, Sir Norman McLeod, who instead of multiplying the judges prefer to deal with massacres and appeals.

The Charter of the High Court also made it the highest and final court of appeal in all cases, civil and criminal cases by lower courts, unless the possession of the required interest financial or legal, for which a further appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

Since the Constitution of the Privy Council that the Court of Appeal of British India by a statue of 1833, the bulk of its operations from Indian occupation, so that the Indians call a judge or a lawyer of the Indian experience was subsequently involved in the commission. The Bombay High Court is represented on the Judiciary Committee distinguished by three judges and four prominent lawyer, Sir Richard Couch, Sir Lawrence Jenkins and Sir John Beaumont, the chief justices. Lawyers who have practiced in the High Court of Bombay, before being appointed to the Judicial Commission were Sir Andrew Scoble, Sir George Lowndes, Sir DF Mulla and MR Jayakar.

The decisions of the Privy Council, in general, have been received in India with full satisfaction, and some of them contain light exposure of the Anglo-Indian, including the principles of Hindu law and Mahommedan. But once or twice, following perspectives on the appropriate statue of an Indian or a revolutionary construction of part of their decisions, some confusion and consternation

All the charters of the courts in India by the Mayor of the Court of the High Court are silent regarding the jurisdiction of the Privy Council in criminal matters in India.

The last call of India, was eliminated by the Privy Council on 15 December, 1949. Thus came the end of India for 200 years with the Privy Council on 26 January 1950, the Federal Court gave the Supreme Court of India under the new constitution. The Supreme Court of India is the highest court in the country. and is empowered to issue directives of the Order of short, such as habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari, prohibition of the enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India's population. The Supreme Court has been the guardian of freedom and liberties of the Indian population.

The High Court was first housed in a building called the Apollo Street Admiralty House, where the Recorder's Court and Supreme Court have held their meetings.

Work on the present building of the High Court began in April 1871 and completed in November 1878 and is located between the University and the building of the Secretariat of Public Works and 562 meters long by 187 wide. The total height to the east is 90 meters and the central office is 178 ½ feet high. The building style is early English Gothic was designed by Colonel JAFuller, RE and was completed at a cost of about Rs 16,44,528 Rs 3000, lower than the estimate sanctioned. The walls of debris and to cope with chunam blue basalt and some dressed in reasons. Judges have two private stairway on the west side of the building of the Octagon tower on either side of the veranda. The main staircase and the entrance to the general public on the east.

Some non-architectural feature of the present building consists of a number of images in strange angles and corners of walls and roof of the west corridor, which are different heads of wolves and foxes with Board bands around their necks. An excellent performance of a sculptor in the first and second floor of the image of a monkey-yard (probably suggested by ring blade shrimp fable of the monkey and the two controversial judicial cats) with an eye to the inequality the band between scales of justice. There is a story behind this sculpture. It is said that there is a dispute between the contractor and under the Con-tractor, which was a Parsi, the distribution of loot. The Parsi put a suit and lost. As some of arrival to the disgruntled, claiming Avenged own Law and Justice (two lawyers and the court), stone and plaster in the above manner.
The true symbol of Justice, the stone statue of the goddess of justice, is the central front on the west of the High Court. She is represented with both eyes between tires and the sword of justice in one hand and the Scales carefully, even in the other.
Banks in the High Court
After the reorganization of the States of November 1, 1956, the State of Bombay and the jurisdiction of the High Court were extended stretches.
Banks in the High Court were set at Nagpur Rajkot and treat cases from Vidharbha and Saurashtra districts, respectively. In 1960, the formation of the State of Gujarat, the Gujarat High Court was established. In 1981, a formation of the High Court was informed in Aurangabad and the permanent establishment was founded in 1984 by order of the President. According to the High Court of Bombay (Extension of the jurisdiction of Goa, Daman and Diu) Act 1981, Panaji (GOA) Bench of the High Court for the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu was inaugurated in 1982 . Later, reached Goa in 1987, the High Court came to power.
During the two states of Maharashtra and Goa and the Union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu. The High Court now has a sanctioned strength of 75 judges.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

List of Medical Colleges in Maharashtra

List of Medical Colleges in Maharashtra

Jamanlal Goenka Dental College and Hospital, Gorakshan Road, Akola- 444004

4-years BDS course

Grant Medical College, Mumbai- 400008

MBBS course

S.P. Dental College & Hospital Sawanji(Meghe) Wardha-442001 Maharashtra

4.5 years B.D.S course

Vidyabharati College Of Pharmacy, C.K.Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati,-444 602

2 Years D.Pharm & 4 Years B.Pharm

P.Wadhwani College Of Pharamcy Dhamangaon Road YEOTMAL-445001 St.Maharashtra

4 Years B.Pharm

Principle College Of Pharmacy, Plot No.47, Dr.R.G.Thadani Marg, Worli Sea Face, Mumbai-400 018

4 years B.Pharm

Dayabhai Mawaji Majithia Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Arni Road, YEOTMAL-445001

B.AM.S PG,Diplomas

Govt Medical College Yeotmal


Dhanavantri Medical And Engg College

Engg Courses and Medical Courses

Govt Medical Dhule


Jawahar Medical Foundation's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College, Hutatma Shirishkumar Nagar, Opp. Jawahar Soot Girni, Sakri Road, Dhule- 424001

MBBS course

Vasantdada Patil Ayurvedic Medical College, South Shivajinagar, Sangli- 416416

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Pravara Rural Institute of Dental Educational and Research, P.O. Loni, Loni- 413736, District Ahmednagar

4-year BDS course

Kisan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Latur Homeopathic Medical College, Latur

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy, South Shivaji Nagar, Sangli - Miraj Road, Sangli 416416. Maharahstra. .

B pharm

Ganga Education Society Ayurvedic Medical College (Affiliated to Shivaji University), Kolhapur- 416012

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Krishna Institute of Medical Science, Karad- 415110, Distt. Satara

MBBS course

Ashtang Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, 2062 New Sadashiv Peth, Pune- 411030

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Bharati Vidyapeeth's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune - 38 (1990)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nasik-422001 (1954)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Armed Forces Medical College, Pune -411040

MBBS course

Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amaravati- 444605

5/6-year BAMS course

Bharati Vidyapeeth's Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune-38 . BA, MS. Enrolment 100

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Bharati Vidyapeth's Medical College, Pune (1989) MBBS. Enrolment 110

MBBS course

B J Medical College, Pune-411001 (1946)

MBBS course

Bharati Vidyapeeth's Dental College & Hospital, Pune (1989) BDS Enrolment 371

4-year BDS course

Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha Dental College & Hospital, Canaught Place, Plot No. 4, Laxmi Nirmal Building CIDCO, Aurangabad - 431001. (1991). BDS

4-year BDS course

D Y Patil Education Society's Medical Collge, Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur - 416006 (1989). MBBS

MBBS course

D Y Patil Women's Medical College, Pimpari, Pune 9 (1996)

First-year of MBBS course

DR Punjabrao (Alias) Bhausaheb.Deshmukh Smruti Medical College, Shivaji Nagar, Amravati- 444 603 (1984). MBBS. Enrolment 395

MBBS course

Dhule Charitable Trust's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Dhule - 424001

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Naik Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Dhule - 424001.BAMS. Enrolment 60

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Maharashtra Technical Education Soceity's Dhondu Mama Sathe, Homoeopathic Medical College, Karve Road, Pune- 411004(1971)

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Gangadhar Shastri Gune, Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar (1971)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Government Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad - 413501. BAMS. Enrolment 15.

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Government Ayurvedic College, Nanded - 431 601 (1967)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Government Medical College, Nagpur - 440 003 (1953).

3-years Degree/Diploma in Physio-Therapy, MBBS

Government Medical College, Ghatti Aurangabad - 35. 431001 (1956).

MBBS course

Government Medical College, Vazirabad, Nanded - 431 601 (1988)

MBBS course

Government Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur - 440001 (1968)

4-years BDS/MDS course

Gondia Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kudwa, Gondia- 441614 (1983)

First-years DHMS/ BHMS course

Government Dental College & Hospital, Govt. Medical. College Campus, Dhanwantri Nagar, Aurangabad - 431004. BDS. Enrolment 114

4-years BDS course

Homoeopathic Medical College, Kolhapur - 416004 (1984). Homeopathic

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Indira Gandhi Medical College, Central Avenue Road, Nagpur (Govt. Aided) (1967). Enrolment 330

MBBS course

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha - 442 004 (1990)

MBBS/BDS course

Jawahar Medical Foundation's Medical College. P O Box No. 145, Dhule - 424001 MBBS. Enrolment 150

N.R.I. (Management Quota), MBBS

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (Medical College), Ambajogai Road, Latur - 413531 (1990)

MBBS course

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Science, Sevagram, Wardha -442102 (1969)

MBBS course

Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir's Dental College, Malegaon Camp, Dist Nashik-423105 (1990-91)

4-year BDS course

N D M V P Samaj's Medical College, Nashik -422001 (1990- 91)

MBBS course

N K P Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre and Lata Mangeskhar Hospital, Near CRPF Camp, Digdoha Hills, Hingana Road, Nagpur - 440 019 (1990)

MBBS course

Nagpur College of Homoeopathy & Bio Chemistry Nagpur. (1985)

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Rural Medical College of Pravara Medical Trust, Loni, Ahmednagar - 413736 (1984)

MBBS course

Seth G R Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Solapur - 413001 (1962)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College Yavatmal- 445 001(1989). Enrolment -360

MBBS course

Govt Medical College,Dhule

MBBS course

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha - 442 004 (1990)

4-year BDS course

Bhagwan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's College of Homoeopathy, CIDCO, Aurangabad - 431001.

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, 58312, Rasta Peth, Pune -411011(1933)

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Unani Medical College. Pune-1 (1984)

7.5, 5.5-year BUMS

Venutal Yeshwantrao Chavan Homoeopathid Degree Medical College, Kolhapur - 416004 (1984). BHMS

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Vidaya Youth Welfare Socities Dental College and Hospital Wadali, Tapovan Road, Amravati - 44 602 (1989)

4-year BDS course

Yashwant Ayurvedic College, Kodoli - 416114 (1989). BAMS

5/6-year BAMS course

Chaitanya Ayurved Mahavidyalaya(Affiliated to North Maharashtra University),Sakegaon,Bhusawal

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Institute of Nursing Education, Sir J J Hospital Campus Bal Motlabai Building, Bycullay, Mumbai- 400008

3-year Degree/Diploma in Physio-Therapy

Antar Bharti Homeopathicand Biochemnic Medical College, Dabha, PO Wadi, Nagpur- 440023

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ganeshwadi, Nasik- 422003

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai- 400022

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner- 422605

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Shri Shivaji Nagar, Rahuri Factory- 413706

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Mahavidyala, Dadapsar- 411028

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurved Medical College, Vasai, Distt Thane- 401209

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Ayurvedic Medical College, Peth Vadgaon, Kolhapur- 416112

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai- 400034

3-year Degree/Diploma in Physio-Therapy

Baliraja Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Latur Homeopathic Medical College, Latur

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College, Dhankawadi, Pune- 411043


College of Ayurved Research Centre, Akurdi, Pune- 411044

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Dr. V.M. Medical College, Solapur- 413003

MBBS course

D.M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya (Affiliated to Nagpur University), Nandan, Nagpur- 440009

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

D.M.Majithiya Ayurved College (Affiliated to Amravati University), Yavatmal- 445001

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Dakshin Kesari Muni Mishrilalni Homeopathic Medical College, Aurangabad

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Dr. J.J. Magdum Trust's Homeopathic Medical College, Jaysinghpur

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Foster Development's Homeopathic Medical College, Aurangabad

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Government Ayurvedic College, Raje Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur- 440009

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Gramin Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya (Affiliated to Amravati University), Bolapur Road, Patur- 444501

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Government Medical College, Miraj, Sangli- 416410

MBBS course

Government Dental College and Hospital, I.P.D., Mello Road, Fort, Mumbai-1

4-years BDS course

Gulabrao Patil Homeopathic Medical College, Sangli

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Homeopathic Medical College, Alcot Road, Akola- 444001

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Karmavir V.T.Randhir Ayurved College, Boradi, Shirpur- 425428

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

K.J. Somiaya Medical College, Ayur Vihar, Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai- 400077

MBBS course

Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai- 200022

3-years Degree/Diploma course in Physio-Therapy, MBBS

Lokmanya Medical Foundation's Homeopathic Medical College, Chinchwad

First-year DHMS/ BHMS Course

Mahatama Gandhi Mission's Medical College, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai- 400209

MBBS course

Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research, Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune- 410507

MBBS course

National Homeopathic Medical College, Nashik

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Nair Hospital Dental College, Dr. A. Nair Road, Byculla, Mumbai- 400008

4-year Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyanagar, Sector-7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai- 400706

MBBS/BDS course

Physio and Occupational Therapy School, Medical College Hospital, Nagpur

3-year Degree/Diploma course in Physio-Therapy

Panchsheel Homeopathic Medical College, Akot Road, Akola

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Institute of Homeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Purushottambhai Chavan Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Chandrapur

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

R.A.Podar (Ayurved) Medical College, Worli, Mumbai- 400018

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

R.J.V.S. Bhaisahab Sawant Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sawantwadi- 416510

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Kalwa, Thane- 400605

MBBS course

S.C. Mutha Aryangla Vidyak Mahavidyalaya, Gendamal Satara- 415002

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur- 440009

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Shri Radhakisan Toshniwal Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Jathar Peth Road, Akola- 444005

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Shri Gurudeo Ayurved College, Guru Kunj Ashram, Amaravati- 444902

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

Sethi G.S. Medical College and King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai- 400012

3-year Degree/Diploma course in Physio-Therapy, MBBS

Smt Kamaladevi G.Mittal Punarvasu Ayurvedic College, Mumbai- 400002

5.5, 6.5-year BAMS course

S.R.T. Rural Medical College, Ambajogai- 431517

MBBS course

Smt. Sita Devi Bijaykumar Jarodia Medical College, Opp. London Pilsner Factory, Nerul, Navi Mumbai

MBBS Course

Smt. Kanchanbai Babulalji Abad Homeopathic Medical College, Chandwad

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College, Mumbai

First-year DHMS/BHMS course

Samarth Educational Trust's Homeopathic Medical College, Satara

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Shri Takhatmal Shrivallabh Homeopathic Medical College, Amravati

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Shri Janta Homeopathic Medical College, Akola

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Topiwala National Medical College, Dr. A.L. Nair Road, Mumbai- 400008

MBBS course

Terna Medical College, Sector-1, Phase-1, Kopar-Khairane, Navi Mumbai- 400701

First-year of MBBS course

Tibbia College (Affiliated to Nagpur University), Nagpur- 440 002

7.5, 5.5-year BUMS

Tibbia College and Hospital (University of Bombay), Baitul Aman, Mumbai- 400008

7.5, 5.5-year BUMS

Unani Medical College (Affiliated to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwad University), Parbhani- 431401

7.5, 5.5-year BUMS

Vengurla Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Vengurla

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Vasantdada Patil Dental College and Hospital, South Shiva Nagar, Sangli- 416416

4-year BDS course

Yerala Homeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Mumbai

First-year DHMS/ BHMS course

Yerala M.T. Ayurved College, Curry Road, Mumbai- 400012

5/6-year BAMS course

Medical Colleges notification

"Medical Colleges notification"

[Medical Colleges notification]

Medical Colleges admission

"Medical Colleges admission"

[Medical Colleges admission]

Medical Colleges entrance

"Medical Colleges entrance"

[Medical Colleges entrance]

Medical Colleges rank

"Medical Colleges rank"

[Medical Colleges rank]

Medical Colleges application

"Medical Colleges application"

[Medical Colleges application]

Medical Colleges online

"Medical Colleges online"

[Medical Colleges online]

Medical Colleges download

"Medical Colleges download"

[Medical Colleges download]

Medical Colleges results

"Medical Colleges results"

[Medical Colleges results]

Medical Colleges result

"Medical Colleges result"

[Medical Colleges result]

Medical Colleges studies

"Medical Colleges studies"

[Medical Colleges studies]

Medical Colleges courses

"Medical Colleges courses"

[Medical Colleges courses]

Medical Colleges review

"Medical Colleges review"

[Medical Colleges review]

Medical Colleges teaching

"Medical Colleges teaching"

[Medical Colleges teaching]

Medical Colleges classes

"Medical Colleges classes"

[Medical Colleges classes]

Medical Colleges administration

"Medical Colleges administration"

[Medical Colleges administration]

Medical Colleges placement

"Medical Colleges placement"

[Medical Colleges placement]

Medical Colleges jobs

"Medical Colleges jobs"

[Medical Colleges jobs]

Medical Colleges list

"Medical Colleges list"

[Medical Colleges list]

Medical Colleges academic calender

"Medical Colleges academic calender"

[Medical Colleges academic calender]

Medical Colleges Scholarships

"Medical Colleges Scholarships"

[Medical Colleges Scholarships]

Medical Colleges Canteen

"Medical Colleges Canteen"

[Medical Colleges Canteen]

Medical Colleges Principal

"Medical Colleges Principal"

[Medical Colleges Principal]

Medical Colleges Campus

"Medical Colleges Campus"

[Medical Colleges Campus]

Medical Colleges Fee structure

"Medical Colleges Fee structure"

[Medical Colleges Fee structure]

Medical Colleges Endowments

"Medical Colleges Endowments"

[Medical Colleges Endowments]

Medical Colleges online admission

"Medical Colleges online admission"

[Medical Colleges online admission]

Medical Colleges hall ticket

"Medical Colleges hall ticket"

[Medical Colleges hall ticket]

Maharashtra Medical colleges notification

"Maharashtra Medical colleges notification"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges notification]

Maharashtra Medical colleges admission

"Maharashtra Medical colleges admission"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges admission]

Maharashtra Medical colleges entrance

"Maharashtra Medical colleges entrance"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges entrance]

Maharashtra Medical colleges rank

"Maharashtra Medical colleges rank"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges rank]

Maharashtra Medical colleges application

"Maharashtra Medical colleges application"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges application]

Maharashtra Medical colleges online

"Maharashtra Medical colleges online"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges online]

Maharashtra Medical colleges download

"Maharashtra Medical colleges download"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges download]

Maharashtra Medical colleges results

"Maharashtra Medical colleges results"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges results]

Maharashtra Medical colleges result

"Maharashtra Medical colleges result"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges result]

Maharashtra Medical colleges studies

"Maharashtra Medical colleges studies"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges studies]

Maharashtra Medical colleges courses

"Maharashtra Medical colleges courses"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges courses]

Maharashtra Medical colleges review

"Maharashtra Medical colleges review"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges review]

Maharashtra Medical colleges teaching

"Maharashtra Medical colleges teaching"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges teaching]

Maharashtra Medical colleges classes

"Maharashtra Medical colleges classes"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges classes]

Maharashtra Medical colleges administration

"Maharashtra Medical colleges administration"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges administration]

Maharashtra Medical colleges placement

"Maharashtra Medical colleges placement"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges placement]

Maharashtra Medical colleges jobs

"Maharashtra Medical colleges jobs"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges jobs]

Maharashtra Medical colleges list

"Maharashtra Medical colleges list"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges list]

Maharashtra Medical colleges academic calender

"Maharashtra Medical colleges academic calender"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges academic calender]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Scholarships

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Scholarships"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Scholarships]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Canteen

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Canteen"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Canteen]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Principal

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Principal"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Principal]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Campus

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Campus"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Campus]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Fee structure

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Fee structure"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Fee structure]

Maharashtra Medical colleges Endowments

"Maharashtra Medical colleges Endowments"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges Endowments]

Maharashtra Medical colleges online admission

"Maharashtra Medical colleges online admission"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges online admission]

Maharashtra Medical colleges hall ticket

"Maharashtra Medical colleges hall ticket"

[Maharashtra Medical colleges hall ticket]

MedicalColleges notification

"MedicalColleges notification"

[MedicalColleges notification]

MedicalColleges admission

"MedicalColleges admission"

[MedicalColleges admission]

MedicalColleges entrance

"MedicalColleges entrance"

[MedicalColleges entrance]

MedicalColleges rank

"MedicalColleges rank"

[MedicalColleges rank]

MedicalColleges application

"MedicalColleges application"

[MedicalColleges application]

MedicalColleges online

"MedicalColleges online"

[MedicalColleges online]

MedicalColleges download

"MedicalColleges download"

[MedicalColleges download]

MedicalColleges results

"MedicalColleges results"

[MedicalColleges results]

MedicalColleges result

"MedicalColleges result"

[MedicalColleges result]

MedicalColleges studies

"MedicalColleges studies"

[MedicalColleges studies]

MedicalColleges courses

"MedicalColleges courses"

[MedicalColleges courses]

MedicalColleges review

"MedicalColleges review"

[MedicalColleges review]

MedicalColleges teaching

"MedicalColleges teaching"

[MedicalColleges teaching]

MedicalColleges classes

"MedicalColleges classes"

[MedicalColleges classes]

MedicalColleges administration

"MedicalColleges administration"

[MedicalColleges administration]

MedicalColleges placement

"MedicalColleges placement"

[MedicalColleges placement]

MedicalColleges jobs

"MedicalColleges jobs"

[MedicalColleges jobs]

MedicalColleges list

"MedicalColleges list"

[MedicalColleges list]

MedicalColleges academic calender

"MedicalColleges academic calender"

[MedicalColleges academic calender]

MedicalColleges Scholarships

"MedicalColleges Scholarships"

[MedicalColleges Scholarships]

MedicalColleges Canteen

"MedicalColleges Canteen"

[MedicalColleges Canteen]

MedicalColleges Principal

"MedicalColleges Principal"

[MedicalColleges Principal]

MedicalColleges Campus

"MedicalColleges Campus"

[MedicalColleges Campus]

MedicalColleges Fee structure

"MedicalColleges Fee structure"

[MedicalColleges Fee structure]

MedicalColleges Endowments

"MedicalColleges Endowments"

[MedicalColleges Endowments]

MedicalColleges online admission

"MedicalColleges online admission"

[MedicalColleges online admission]

MedicalColleges hall ticket

"MedicalColleges hall ticket"

[MedicalColleges hall ticket]























































academic calender

"academic calender"

[academic calender]













Fee structure

"Fee structure"

[Fee structure]




online admission

"online admission"

[online admission]

hall ticket

"hall ticket"

[hall ticket]